Pamela Castillo's proposal forces modernity to take a step back. That modernity that was "made concrete" and became cement by establishing a reticular checkerboard, and implanted a fiction of order.
One of the principles of permaculture is that "wealth is on the margins", and following that guideline is that the "Imagining a future" project investigates the urban peripheries, full of "gaps of modernity". Research on ancient forms, techniques and materials becomes a possibility to activate a future that eludes dystopia. It is an invitation to subvert the modern order that characterizes as "less civilized" what is ancestral, capable of altering the linear vision of progressive time, placing itself precisely in the possibility of a future: a distorted temporality.
Likewise, Pamela Castillo's work draws on the reflections of feminist urbanism, which questions the hierarchy of public space, and its transfer and reflection to the private space. In fact, it is possible that the sharp distinction between public and private is nothing more than a consequence of the patriarchal distribution of space, called into question by the affirmative nature of nature itself, which invades and hacks the impositions of concrete.
The discourse of this project, which is not only a website but also a pedagogical project and a series of interventions in the public space, should not be read in an environmentalist key or in alliance with green capitalism, but from a critical perspective that seeks to transform the western ways of colonizing space, which establishes differences and hierarchies in the form of binomials: between private and public, between inside and outside, between center and periphery.
In short, Pamela Castillo's project is an invitation to think about living from a material perspective, which incorporates as much the foundations of our subjectivity as the ways in which we organize ourselves communally.