Personal Data, Privacy, Big Data and Surveillance
Surveillance in art: exhibition and discussion of works that deal with surveillance carried out through technological means.
What is Big Data? What is data?
Conceptualization of personal data and their respective categories. We will reflect on the economic, political and social importance of personal data; the collection, storage and processing. A space for discussion about the relationship between data security and legal protection frameworks will be promoted, based on the presentation of experiences at a global and regional level. The conceptualization of ARCO rights and the exceptions to the principle of consent will be discussed. The goal is to finally frame that what is discussed in the Paraguayan current situation and the regulatory and implementation challenges. What should be the new data protection institutional framework? Why should protection focus on people? Brief reference to the Paraguayan context. How is it regulated? Personal Data Protection Law in Paraguay and General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union. A brief review of how the Internet works: where is my data hosted? The importance of the location of the servers.
What is data economy? Data as raw material and product of the "digital economy". The VALUE of the data. In our interactions on the Internet we give data (ignoring how much it is worth) in exchange for using various services. As a result, we lose privacy. We are constantly being watched. As active users, we work for Facebook, Google and more. The ‘surplus value’ of life. Privacy as necessary to guarantee other rights: freedom of expression, freedom of movement and freedom of association. The importance of anonymity.
Speakers: Maricarmen Sequera (PY), Gaspar Pisanu (ARG), Nayla Portas (ARG).
Moderator: Fredi Casco
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