Art, Activism and Technology
On this day, artistic practices related to political activism on and off the Internet will be analyzed. Is there a "political art"? Art and activism: "Artivism"? Art and the web: Net.Art and other artistic practices on the Internet. Art or propaganda? Art as provocation. Limits to freedom of (artistic) expression.
Speakers: Fredi Casco (PY), Nayla Portas (ARG), Edu Barreto (PY)
Moderator: Claudia Casarino
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- Grüner, E. (2001). "El sitio de la mirada. Secretos de la imagen y silencios del arte". Editorial Group Norma.
- Kraus, R. (2000). “Cindy Sherman: Untitled”. Bachelors. London: October Books, pp. 101-159.
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- Ticio, E. (1999). "El arte fuera de sí". Fondec – CAV Museo del Barro.